Wednesday, October 20, 2010

We are happy to report everyone is home safe and sound.  Thank you for your prayers and support during our trip.  Over the next several days, we thought we would each provide our reflections on the trip. 

Jim Sorensen’s Reflections

        The first thing that comes to mind when I contemplate these two weeks, is the dedication and leadership of Dick Moeller. Dick sees the big picture of the real needs of Ethiopian people, and has the ability to remember each well site, and the communities supported by those wells. He holds fast to the mission of W2T, without being distracted by the obvious and glaring needs there. When we hold fast to providing safe, clean water for populations, we can trust that they will be able to address all needs with healthy minds and bodies.

        The A Glimmer of Hope (AGOH) personnel are compassionate, diligent workers, who show their caring every minute of their lives. These staff persons live the mission of AGOH, in their attitudes and attention to details regarding assisting Ethiopians to develop and grow. The drivers had the same sense of the mission as the leaders there, and I felt safe and secure in their autos. The other W2T Partners in the various regions demonstrated their caring and hard work as they took us to the places where water has made a difference, and to places still needing wells.

I believe the Holy Spirit is intertwining among all who are connected to this Water Ministry—binding us in ways we don’t always notice; and “disturbing” the hearts of others who, as yet, don’t even know they will become a part. I know the Holy Spirit was there, when after about three days in the field, we were driving over a rough, rocky path, (near the Degola Chinchya Kebele office)and I spotted some farmers threshing. 

They were driving their oxen around and around upon the straw and grain being harvested, to separate the grain. I’d told Ed and Rennie about this sort of event and had the driver stop, so I could show the others in the second car what was going on. Ed said something like “We don’t need to stop; we can see from here.” Dick suggested we might drive on. I was feeling too like maybe this was not related to what we were about, when suddenly, we were all out of the cars, walking to the threshing scene! And, the attitude had changed to something more positive. We had not said anything more to each other, but later all agreed that something had driven us to go forward. As we neared the threshing scene, we noticed that just over the hill was a water gathering place where we saw about 30 women and girls. We had not been able to see this from the path we’d been on. The water was really nasty, and these mothers and sisters were squatting there, their toes in the mud and dung, filling water jugs to take home for drinking! 

It turned out that this will be one of the sites we are taking on in 2011! That was just one of the “moments” where I felt closest to God. I prayed that others might answer the call of that same Holy Spirit we witnessed that day, and help us to provide some good water at that spot.

        All in all, I believe the W2T board of directors on this trip have “brothered-up”, and have been strengthened to do more for those who need clean, safe water. And, we have made new friends who will remain faithful to the same cause. The trip was well worthwhile, and I am pleased that I was a part of it. 

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