Saturday, October 23, 2010

Dick Moeller’s Reflections - Ethiopia Trip, October 2010

We’ve been back from our trip to Ethiopia for four days…the jet lag has just about worn off, but the memories will last a lifetime.  It was a joy having Rennie, Ed and Jim as traveling companions on this trip.  Each brought their unique perspective on Ethiopia, with Jim having been a medical missionary in Ethiopia 50 years ago and Ed and Rennie visiting the country for the first time.  During our two weeks we shared emotions that covered the spectrum…from the highs of celebrating first-time, clean water with communities…to the lows of helplessness as community members fetch filthy water for their families because it is all they have…to the spiritually uplifting morning devotion and worship high on a rock formation at the Gheralta Lodge.  We came back with literally thousands of pictures, but they can never capture the feelings and emotions we experienced together that are stored in our heart. 

The people we serve in rural Ethiopia have to take the center of my reflections.  No doubt, they live a difficult life, filled with walking long distances, hard, back-breaking work and the burden of feeding their families.  But I am always struck by how spiritually strong they are and by how thankful they are.  They are incredibly grateful for the blessing of clean water, but are quick to remember their brothers and sisters in neighboring communities that lack it.  They are quick to share whatever they have to express their gratitude, even if it is only a beautiful smile or an ear of corn from their field.  Some of my favorite moments on the trip came when I could share greetings and blessings with the local communities from literally thousands of sponsors and donors who make our life-saving well projects possible.  It is an honor of the highest order.

Moments to remember…
  • The entire Water To Thrive Board of Directors being together on our first day in the field as we visited the Gedamba deep borehole project, which is now completed. This is our most ambitious project in which we have participated.  11 water distribution points, a 100,000 liter reservoir, 700 feet deep well with generator and pump with over 6 miles of distribution pipeline.  It serves 3 communities of  approximately 7,500.
  •  Celebrating the Inauguration of their hand dug well site with the community at Awi Sewhi (Tigray) and as we are walking away from the project, seeing a 6-7 year old boy kneel beside a stagnant, nasty pond of water to take a drink.
  • Listening to the community members at W2T projects Mai Shana I & II describe the positive changes in their community after having clean water for 2 ½ years.
  • Being greeted by 600+ clapping and singing students at Genti School, where a W2T project will bring clean water to their school for the first time.
  • Visiting with a farmer in the countryside who had taken out a micro-finance loan to buy an irrigation pump for his land.  His crop yield had improved so much that he is now leasing land from other farmers in the area to irrigate a larger area.  Entrepreneurism is alive in Ethiopia!
  • Seeing God’s magnificent handiwork in the Simien Mountain National Park and walking quietly among the gelada baboons in the park.
  • Visiting the Selekleka Clinic with Jim, who had treated patients there almost 50 years ago.  Marveling at the commitment of Jim and Carolyn, his wife, who worked in Ethiopia for 4 years starting at the age of 23!
  • …and the list could go on and on!

And finally, we could not carry out our mission without great partners who execute our projects with integrity, professionalism and high quality.  Most importantly, they put serving the needs of the people in rural Ethiopia ahead of everything else. 
  • Glimmer of Hope (managing partner in Ethiopia)
  • Oromia Self Help Organization (project implementation)
  • Organization for the Rehabilitation and Development of Amhara (project implementation)
  • Relief Society of Tigray (project implementation)
  • Development and Social Services Commission of Mekane Yesus (project implementation)

I know we all came back with a great sense of purpose and commitment to the mission of Water to Thrive.  We pray for the opportunity and the words to be effective advocates for the people of rural Ethiopia who struggle everyday for a clean drink of water.  If you are moved to help, do not hesitate to contact Becky Turner, W2T Program Director ( or myself (

Dick Moeller, Founder
Water to Thrive

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