Monday, March 30, 2009

The first time I went to Ethiopia, I felt so blessed to be able to have that experience. To see what life was like there, and meet the beautiful people. When we got on the plane to fly home, I felt like I was leaving a small piece of my heart behind in Ethiopia and I prayed that one day I would be able to go back to this place I had fallen in love with. Little did I know that the opportunity would come just one year later. We are planning to return to Ethiopia in May and to visit rural villages and communities that need clean water.  I am so excited to again have an opportunity to serve the people of Ethiopia. I will be sharing my heart and my experiences here as I prepare for and travel on this journey.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

In rural Ethiopia, only 1 in 3 people have access to clean drinking water.

At any given time, more than half of the country's population of 75 million people is suffering from an unnecessary water-related disease.

1 Ethiopian child in 10 dies before their fifth birthday; half of those die from diarrhea.

Why should any child die from something that is just an inconvenience in most other parts of the world?

You can make a difference. $3500 builds a hand dug well which provides clean drinking water to 500 people. That is just $7 per person! You can make a difference!